I’ve read and seen a lot in my experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist. Today for my 30th birthday, I’m sharing 30 things I’ve learned about eating healthy. See what made my list!
Throughout my years of being a dietitian, I have learned many things about eating healthy and nutrition. I hope I always continue to learn more in this subject, as it is something I live, love and breathe. Nutrition truly is my passion and I’m glad I have the opportunity to work with amazing people like you who let me live my dream.
Today is my 30th birthday. Yep – you read that right. The big 3-0. I feel older just typing it. 30….ready or not here you are! I don’t feel 30, but then again, I haven’t been 30 before so I don’t know what it really feels like. But I want to embrace it and be healthy and strong in my 30’s and beyond.
Any way, I’m starting to get a little off topic – healthy eating. As I mentioned, over the past 6 years I’ve been a RD I have learned a lot. Some things through my formal and continuing education and some through my experience working with clients. One thing I try to keep in mind is that nutrition is a living science. It will evolve and change over time as it grows and we learn more about it. But some things hold true over time.
For today’s post on my 30th birthday, I’m giving you 30 things I’ve learned about eating healthy in my experience as a registered dietitian. I could have listed more than 30, but I decided to save you and keep it at that. These are things that are pretty consistent and true for most, if not all, clients I meet with. So I hope you enjoy.
1. There is no magic bullet, cleanse or pill to cure all your health and nutrition ailments.
2. Eat your vegetables! End of story.
3. Water is the best beverage for your body.
4. There isn’t exactly 1 diet that works best for everyone.
5. The more plant based, the better.
6. …But meat in moderation is okay.
7. Dessert can be a part of a healthy diet.
8. Cooking at home from scratch is not as hard as you might think.
9. Meal planning is key to eating healthy.
10. Don’t fear fat (the good kind!).
11. Eating healthy is only part of the healthy living equation – being physically active is important, too!
12. There is a new super food all the time with claims to be a cure all – but not one single food is going to save you. An overall healthy diet is important.
13. Lots of people claim to be experts in nutrition – be careful of who you take your advice from.
14. Beans/Legumes are a great low-cost healthy source of protein and other good-for-you nutrients.
15. It’s better to eat your fruit rather than drink it (juice) most of the time.
16. Different people respond differently to different foods. Not all foods will make everyone feel the same.
17. Family meal time is important, not only for health, but for quality time with your spouse and children.
18. Starting your day with a healthy breakfast really does make a difference.
19. Roasting vegetables is a game changer.
20. Fruit makes a great dessert option.
21. A piece of dark chocolate every day is good for you.
22. Pregnancy is not an excuse to eat whatever or however much you want.
23. Food allergies can be very serious – don’t mock or down play other’s food allergies.
24. If you offer healthy foods to your children (especially from the beginning), they’ll come to like and want to eat healthy foods. Just keep on offering those healthy foods!
25. Even dietitians do not always eat 100% perfect….don’t judge.
26. On the same note as above, dietitians are not judging you by what’s on your plate. Unless you are a paying client, we don’t care what you eat.
27. Simple changes in lifestyle habits really do make a difference in the long-run.
28. How we feel about and in our bodies can make a big difference on what, how, when and why we eat.
29. Nutritional needs change as we age.
30. Eating is personal. Worry about and focus on your (and your family’s) food habits and health, forget the rest.
There you have it: 30 things I’ve learned about eating healthy. I could ramble on about this topic or go into more depth on each individual subject, but those are 30 other blog posts for other days. If you’ve read my blog before, I hope you’ve learned something about eating healthy, too!
What is something you’ve learned about eating healthy as it relates to you? Let me know in the comments!
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